Where'd you go? Road 3? Finally some fish data from there lol. Are you
sure they were blackside? EPA data had a lot of dusky darter up there.
I've been waiting to see some Maumee genotype duskies :)
The population of sculpin was thin upstream in Indiana as well. Far lower
numbers than I would have expected. Creek chub, bluntnose, green sunfish
and johnny darter dominated the fish community, which are all compromise
tolerant... I did catch about 15 mottled sculpin and a single male hornyhead
chub that was sweet. Didn't get any catfish, although John said he saw some
in the riffles under his view bucket (which I think you should tell these
nice NANFA people about fish watching with ;).
The East Fork of the West Branch of the St. Joseph River (what a mouthful
huh?) however... was packed with sculpin and the rest of the higher water
quality crew. Not like Macochee Creek (Mad River) "packed with sculpin",
but pretty darned solid populations. I'm sure it's directly proportionate
to the avg temps of those two streams.
I hope you took time to head north and see this stream if you drove out
there again. Then we can begin to compare notes and start to guess why the
one that looks trashed has the 3 Fed listed animals and the one that looks
sweet, doesn't.
The Muddy Maumee Madness, Toledo, OH
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
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