Nick Zarlinga
"If we ignore nature.....maybe it'll go away."
----- Original Message -----
From: RBrynda at
To: njz at
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 3:08 PM
Hi Nick,
How are things going?
Got a question for you since you are quite active with NANFA and have contacts
there. We had our bonytail and/or humpback chub spawn successfully this year,
and we are raising the fry successfully so far (we have been unable to
determine which species the fry are, and we have adults of both species in the
exhibit). We are wondering if any other facilities or organizations outside of
the USFW hatchery system have accomplished a successful natural spawning. We
have sent photos to the larval fish lab at the university in Fort Collins to
see if they can identify which chub they are.
Thanks for your help
Take care
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