> yea... dogs and ponds dont mix! he just gnawed on the cypress knees eh?
> maybe you didnt feed him enough! :)
> we had an adopted dog for awhile... she got to jumping the fence and would
> rake havic on all the plants. kinda glad that hyper beast dissappeared.
> one smaller planted starhead pond i had the neighbors dogs got to visiting
> it regularly and wallowing in it. anacharis strung all out the sides in
> clumps
> and my fish flipping on the banks. i got me a electro fence and strung it up
> around the perimeter. the dogs got inside and then could not get out! they
> were like yelping pinballs richecheing inside... yelp yelp yelp!
I have dogs too, the water-loving type, but the pond will be outside the fence
wherein the dogs play. Also, I have a solar powered fence charger which I
picked up for cheap when I worked at Home Depot. That and judicious (read
"free") use of rat shot should take care of nefarious neighborhood hounds.
Dogs need to sniff the ground; it's how they keep abreast of current events. The
ground is a giant dog newspaper, containing all kinds of late-breaking dog news
items, which, if they are especially urgent, are often continued in the next
yard. - Dave Barry
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