> in the bowl shapped deep end there is a good bit of muck. maybe good food
> habitat for a sturgeon.
How do you keep your expensive pea gravel from migrating into the deep end?
expensive i now understand is right. they use to dredge it up from the tn
river w/ a contract to keep the channel clear. no more. pea gravel has to be
trucked in and i understand is very costly now.
in the shallow end i built a retaining wall about 24" high. in this area
which is about 12' x 24' i filled w/ the peagravel under which lies the perf
plastic pipe. this acts as a prefilter for my pump which sits in the corner
chamber. sunfish fry get pulled from nests down through the gravel and into this
corner chamber!
the simple answer to your question is a retaining wall.
in response to another question my masses of cattails are growing in the
gravel. no dirt. no pots. and they are thick. iris also do well and make pretty
flowers. they tend to grow above the gravel. again no dirt and no pots. as the
same for my bald cypress's. same for val and sycamore and mint.
many plants require pots tho. splatter dock, lily pads. when i find an
interesting plant in the wild i generally try to replicate its soil conditions in
a pots. sand, muck, whatever.
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