We're not talking National Conventions, here.
I am hoping to drum up some interest...if not a mandate.
- Jan
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nanfa-l at nanfa.org [owner-nanfa-l at nanfa.org] On Behalf Of
SHasloue at kdhe.state.ks.us
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:46 PM
To: nanfa-l at nanfa.org
Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- National Fish
I should have included a few ;-) with my post!
Just having a little fun! Didn't mean to subvert the electoral process;-)
Steve Haslouer
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 430
Topeka, KS 66612-1367
Bus: (785) 296 - 0079
Fax: (785) 291 - 3266
email: shasloue at kdhe.state.ks.us
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