Let me know how things work out. I will be receiving some Red Shiners later
this week and would also like to spawn them.
West Hyblos Creek Drainage
Washington State
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Unmack" <peter.lists at>
To: "nanfa-l" <nanfa-l at nanfa.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 1:29 PM
Subject: NANFA-L-- red shiner
> G'day folks
> For fun I was going to set up some red shiners to spawn. I see there are
> two articles written on this in AC over the years (listed below), but I
> don't have either handy right now. They seem like they will spawn just
> about anywhere anytime if males are colored up. Was thinking of putting
> some fish (maybe 2 males, 4-5 females) in a bare tank and putting some
> kind of barrier on the bottom for the eggs to fall through so that they
> don't get eaten. I'll have to do some hunting around to see what if
> anything we have around here that I can use. Anyone got any simple
> suggestions? Also, anyone know how long it takes for them to hatch and
> what first foods are suitable?
> 1973 Fall
> Pagoria, Frank G.
> Spawning Deviations in Notropis [Cyprinella] lutrensis
> Author relates his experiences breeding aquarium-bought red shiners, and
> how his results differed from what was written in current literature.
> 1996-1997 Winter
> Semeit, Allan
> The "Asiatic Fire Barb" aka Cyprinella lutrensis
> Rearing and spawning the red shiner in aquaria; widespread encounters with
> the fish.
> Thanks
> Peter Unmack
> Red River, Oklahoma
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