--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL
"ground zero for Lepomis diversity"
>Hi everyone,
>I'm a biology student and i have to write a topic about introduced fish
>species (in Western Europe) and the effects of these introductions on the
>native fish fauna. So far, i have found some information about the grass
>carp, which originally comes from East-europe, and which was introduced in
>an attempt for weed-control.
>I would like information about some American species like : Lepomis
>gibbosus, Umbra pygmaea, Ictalurus nebulosis, etc...
>It seems like there are plenty more species in America than in Belgium, so
>there is a much stronger competition for niches in America. After
>introduction in Belgium, the introduced species apparantly come into an
>environment with less competition, but they seem to avoid competition in
>country by taking in any niche which is open. Does this idea follow any
>logic or do you think otherwise ?
>Please give me more info.
>Thanx !!!!!!!
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