Can Get- Marine tropicals/Herps-Lucania parva, L.goodei, Fundulus
confluentus, Fundulus similis,F.grandis,Poecilia latipinna,Floridichthys
.Wants spotted gar,lampreys,western minnows, redhorses, madtoms, Fundulus
bifax, Ozark bass,darters
Call or e-mail for trade only I don't sell fish.
ANDY BORGIA, PO Box 4346 Key West,Florida 33041 I-305-294-8739
John Brill, 61 Brookside Ave., Livingston, NJ 07039, 973-533-1397,
Have: Wild specimens available in Spring: Fundulus heteroclitus, F. luciae,
Cyprinodon variegatus, Lucania parva, Enneacanthus chaetodon, E. obesus, E.
gloriosus, Aphredoderus sayanus, Etheostoma fusiforme, and other associated
Atlantic Coast estuarine species and Eastern Coastal Plain fishes. Contact
for more info. For trade only; no sales.
Also have April, 1978 through September/October, 1981 Lateral Line, plus 4
earlier untitled isuues (missing January 1981 & August 1978). $30.00
postpaid. Be aware that this early NANFA newsletter is not similar to
American Currents. These were thin, c. 5.5"x8.5" publications dealing with
club news, trading post, etc., albeit with occasional sustantive articles or
news items. These are primarily of historical interest to NANFA members and
collectors of publications. They look their age, but are clean and have been
well kept. No foxing or mildew.
Want: Fundulus bifax, F. confluentus, F. stellifer, F. grandissimus, F.
persimilis, F. rathbuni, F. seminolis, Cyprinodon ceciliae, C. higuey, C.
meeki, C. rubrofluviatilus, C. nazas, C. atrorus, plus any Yucatan species
except beltrani, Floridichthys polyommus.
Ken McKeighen Jr. 46 Cuerro Lane Los Lunas, NM 87031
Available-Fish art work. Dozens of species available from all North American
families done in water colours, acrylic on canvas, hand painted T-shirts and
Prices below:
Water colours 5''x7"......$25 each
" " 8''x10''.....$50 each
Scientific style-3 to 4 fish 5''x7''...$25 each
'' '' 8''x10''..$40 each
Acrylic on canvas 5''x7''..$35 each
'' '' '' 8''x10''..$50 each
'' '' ''9''x12''.........$75 each
Hand painted T-shirts-small, medium, large and Xtra large...$50 each
(2 or more....$45 each)
Hand painted ball caps....$12 each
Postage is included in price. Lot discounts available. All art work is
original, hundreds of fresh and marine species available!
Wanted-Elassoma species, Enneacanthus chaetodon, Lepomis humilus, Etheostoma
whipplei, E. radiosum, E.caeruleum, Lamprey ammocoetes, Shovelnose sturgeon,
any Hiodonsp., Phoxinus oreas, Chologaster cornuta
Available for trade-Cyprinodon fontinalis, and Plancterus zebrinus (Sitting
Bull Falls,NM),5''x7'' watercolours.
please write do not have e-mail or handy access to a telephone
Henry Deford
309 Chattolanee Hill Rd.
Owings Mills, MD 21117
For sale/trade-Gambusia holbrooki, Fundulus diaphanus and Pumpkinseed
Sunfish(Lepomis gibbosus).
Will ship in US only
Wants-Most species of darters, Longear Sunfish, Carolina pygmy sunfish,
Everglades pygmy
sunfish, and African cichlids.
Convention t-shirts still available
An extremely limited number of t-shirts from the 2000 NANFA Convention in
Jackson are still available. The shirts come in two styles, both featuring
original artwork by Dave Neely: a cream shirt featuring a color illustration
bluenose shiners and a flsthead catfish, and your choice of buff or light
shirts featuring a moody black-and-white illustration of a paddlefish and the
words, "Where the Weird Things Are". Each shirt is $22 postpaid (domestic
only). Contact D. Martin Moore -- archimed_at_netdoor.com, 601-546-2320 -- for
sizes and availability, and to place your order. Send check or money order,
payable to NANFA, to 1107 Argonne Dr., Baltimore, MD 21218.
Bruce Scott, br0630_at_aol.com HAS: 1 to 1 1/2" tadpole madtoms, YOY
F.chrysotus, dwarf crayfish. WANTS: most any small crayfish, Carolina pygmy
Chris Purcell
PO Box 296
New Buffalo, MI 49117
Fax 616-469-3595
Poecilia latipinna (two males from brackish or saltwater environment) for
breeding purposes. NEED ASAP!
Will trade or sell/buy fish
BG Granier 608 Maureen Drive, Baker, Louisiana 70714 225-775-6400
Available Fish.
Fundulus chrysotus-$5 pair
F.notti-$7 pr
F. grandis $7.00 pr *
F.euryzonus$20 pr
Fpulvareus-$10 pr *
F.catenatus-$10 pr
F.olivaceus-$7 pr
F.similis-$10-pr *
F.blairae-$7 pr
Adinia xenica-$10 trio *
Heterandria formosa $5.00 trio
Lucania parva- $10 trio *
Cyprinodon variegatus- $7 trio *
USA only, pay shipping and return my box. Trades welcome for WHY
Home video taken of wild fishes, turtles,dragonflies and aquatic
The tape features three types of shiners, but also shows many other species
of aquatic life, including a musk turtle and damselflies among the varied
habitats of creeks of three states.... Alabama,Arkansas and Louisiana.
The first segment depicts the species_Notropis chrosomus_in the act of
spawning over a bluehead chubs nest, while the second segment features the
captive spawning of this beautiful species in the tank of David Jones.
The next segment of the tape shows many male and female Redfin shiners
congregating around the outflow of a backwater creek in Arkansas, the males
are all in spawning colour.
Lastly, a creek in Louisiana with a good population of the Bluenose shiner,
and several shots of the sunfish beds that they spawn over as nest associates
of the longeared sunfish.
$7.50 per tape......(the US Postal Service just increased their rates)
Daryl Raynie PO Box 237 Kansasville, WI 53139-0237
For sale 3 mudminnows, $3 each, 8 flame chubs$2 each
Wants-$Everglades pygmy sunfish(Elassoma evergladei) 2 males 2
females,bluefin killies(Lucania goodei) 2 males 2 females Please write as I
can't give out my phone #
Ray Wolff- For Sale
Reptile heat rocks: 3 large, 1 medium, 2 small. $5 each
Outside the tank Heaters: Penn Plax 2 medium ( 75 watt?) and 1 large ( 100
watt?) $3 each, and one 50 watt heater never used $5.
3 plastic terraces for inside aquariums.$3 each
2 stainless steal little shelves that hang on the outside of the tank. $2
1 green plastic floating lily pad $2
1 penn plax corner box filter that takes the little pads.$2
1 dual incandesent light fixture, two 60 watt bulbs it can hold ( bulbs
included) $3
1 -15 watt flourescent fixture, no bulb- not rapid start ( have to hold
switch in to light) $3
1- 20 watt flourescent fixture , no bulb-not rapid start $5
1 -30 watt flourescent fixture, no bulb-not rapid start $10
screen top for 5 gallon tank $.50
heat lamp fixture. $2.50
price does not include shipping ( regular parcel post U.S, mail) . Most
items should run about 2 dollars, fixtures and rocks probably 5 dollars.
Priority mail is more.
E-mail to to check on availability or haggle.
PLEASE NOTE : All ads in the NANFA Trading Post will be run for three
months via the NANFA E-MAIL LIST and once, quarterly, in the AMERICAN
CURRENTS MAGAZINE.. If you would like to make any changes to an existing ad
or would like to place a new ad, please contact the T/P Editor, ANDY BORGIA,
PO Box 4346 Key West,Florida 33041 I-305-294-8739 – e-mail
. The deadline for
submissions to T/P will be the 25th of the month, prior to the posting of
the ad. Ads in the T/P are provided free to all NANFA members. Commercial
ads are available.
>*< >*< >*< >*< >*< >*< >*< >*< >*< >*< >*<
NANFA accepts paid advertising in the Trading Post and in our periodical
American Currents. If you are interested in advertising, please contact our
advertising chair person Peter Unmack at PO Box 1454, Tempe AZ 85280
480-965-1578 peter.unmack_at_asu.edu
/"Unless stated otherwise, comments made on this list do not necessarily
/ reflect the beliefs or goals of the North American Native Fishes
/ Association"
/ This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes Association
/ nanfa_at_aquaria.net. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or get help, send the word
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/ For more information about NANFA, visit our web page, http://www.nanfa.org
/"Unless stated otherwise, comments made on this list do not necessarily
/ reflect the beliefs or goals of the North American Native Fishes
/ Association"
/ This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes Association
/ nanfa_at_aquaria.net. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or get help, send the word
/ subscribe, unsubscribe, or help in the body (not subject) of an email to
/ nanfa-request_at_aquaria.net. For a digest version, send the command to
/ nanfa-digest-request_at_aquaria.net instead.
/ For more information about NANFA, visit our web page, http://www.nanfa.org