Re: NANFA-- Pond Plants Repotted
Sat, 7 Apr 2001 09:49:39 -0500

On 3 Apr 2001, at 21:01, Leo Arieux wrote:

> Martin :
> If memory serves me right...The two types of darters were sand and black
> sided darters, The Notropis were ( what we called ) red finned and steel
> blue Notropis. What the actual scientific names were I am not sure but
> if pushed I could hazard a guess.

Let's see, blacksides are pretty common in welaka country, but I've
never caught sand darters there. Red finned = cherryfin? I dunno
about the steel blue.

OBTW in a couple of smaller streams
> before we get to the one where we found the spatterdock we were able
> to catch (in very limited numbers) P. welaka which in "those" days we
> called blue nosed Notropis..

> When I was in high school I caught water moccasins and sold them to a
> snake farm in LaPlace,La. I financed many a date on the proceeds and
> had a heck of a lot of fun doing so. Classic invulnerability
> syndrome AKA dumb youth syndrome.

Somebody told me they worked their way through college by
selling black widows to research laboratories for $5 each. Seems
like he was a security guard at a motel or something, and the
spiders inhabited an elevator shaft.


Jackson, MS
Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk,
my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if
I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem
quite so funny.

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