Tokyo Japan
>>What do yo all think about the idea of turning a inground swimming pool
>>into a
>>pond? My parents in South Florida have an approximately 10,000 gallon (I
>>swimming pool that never gets used. I am unsure of exactly the type of
>>filter on
>>it. It has something to do with earth. Obviously one would have to not
>>chlorine and neutralize the exsiting chorine, but what else has to be done
>>convert and maitain something like that?
>No reason it shouldn't work... it's not so different from some pools I've
>seen adapted for raising Tilapia. And I assume that the filter is
>diatomaceous earth, a super-fine powder made from the remnants of ancient
>diatoms. Get rid of the chlorine, maybe figure out the right plants and
>just work at keeping out kingfishers and racoons.
>--Bruce Stallsmith
>Huntsville, AL "where it's already summer!"
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