NANFA-- Bluegills from Brown County, OH (Fincastle area)

Lions Lark (
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 20:11:08 -0400

Hi everyone!

I need to reduce my population of bluegills. They were collected July 2000
at 1". They were collected in Fincastle, OH (eastern brown county, OH) from
my grandfather's farm. His pond overflowed into the pasture and there were
hundreds of little puddles throughout the pasture full of fish.

Now they range from 3"-7". I want to reduce my school by half. So, I need to
find homes for 6 bluegills!

They are in excellent health-fat bellies!! Beautiful colors, hardy, good
eaters-I feed them blackworms, crickets, flake food, pelleted food,
earthworms, misc bugs caught in my apt., etc. Not sure of the sexes though.

Some of them can be seen at . Those pictures were
taken Jan-Feb 2001.

Email me off the list at if you'd like some. I won't
mail them but other delivery arrangements could be made.

Please-only to good, loving homes! (Yes I care for and LOVE my fish!)

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