Glad you're okay. Sometimes Bambi has a real attitude! Driving through NC
once, I was in an area where deer are always getting hit on the highway. I
was watching for them so intently that I almost hit the mountain lion that
ran in front of me instead. Some days you just can't win.
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 10:03 PM 4/28/01 EDT, you wrote:
> hello everyone,
> Well I just came back from fishing on a a big mesotrophic lake
>duck lake. It's 700 acres, extremely clear(can see to 25 feet), has a huge
>infestation of zebra mussels, and is a great yellow perch and walleye lake.
>Of course I brought my nets with me, and a 3 gallon pail. I also wanted to
>collect some northern milfoil and hornwort for a new tank.
> Well on the way there, two dear came hurdling towards us, one big doe
>hitting my door and injuring my arm, the other barely missing the boat. We
>were going 60 miles per hour, so it was quite a loud bang. If that deer
>have jumped, as they often do when the come into contact with a car, it
>have gone through the window and killing my dad and I. If we would have
>slowed down a bit it could have gone through the windshield, also reaking
>havoc. The deer that hit us left 3 huge dents on my side of the van. The
>dents were 4" deep, and mangled up the doors to the point that they are
>useless. We counted our blessings, and went on.
> We went on and fished anyways, after I called my stepdad to have him
>take the deer home. Right off the bat I caught a 10 1/2" yellow perch, and
>dad caught another nice perch. There were tons of bluegills. I collected
>of milfoil, all had a lot of zebra mussles cligned to the stems. There was
>also large colonies od sponges clinged to the plants. If I put the mussels
>my aquariums, would they be a nuisance, or would they just filter the water?
>I also collected tons of emerald shiners, which I put back. I saw a 2"
>darter, would that be a greenside? By the way, I live in southern
Michigan. I
>also collected some small chubs, but they usually get too agressive in my
>aquariums. Thanks, and good luck this spring everyone! __Dan
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