Re: NANFA-- seeking feeding suggestions for lepomis cyanellus

geoff and julie kimber (
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 17:32:59 -0400

I have had green sunfish eat any fish smaller than them. As Bruce
mentioned, earthworms are also good.

The mountain red belly dace should eat flake food or other frozen food of
appropriate size, like mosquito larvae. I've never had mountain RBDs, but I
have had both southern and northern and neither has been at all picky.

I want to emphasize what Bruce said about green sunfish food though - your
dace are very likely to end up eaten in the very near future. Green sunfish
are very voracious and they can eat amazingly large and fast fish. Your
first warning will be a total lack of red belly dace.

Geoff Kimber

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Murphy" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 12:06 PM
Subject: NANFA-- seeking feeding suggestions for lepomis cyanellus and
phoxinus oreas

> I've recently collected a green sunfish (lepomis cyanellus) and a mountain
> redbelly dace (phoxinus oreas). I've placed both in a 30 gallon community
> tank. They have been in the tank for five days. The green sunfish is not
> taking frozen bloodworms, frozen shrimp, or pellets. I read that the
> redbelly dace is an herbivore/detritivore. I'll be trying spirulina
> Would appreciate suggestions for either/both of these species.
> John Murphy

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