Re: NANFA-- Blackworms
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 11:33:32 EDT

In a message dated 4/21/02 11:26:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Wow...a questions that I can answer.

We feed a lot of blackworms (about 2 pounds per week) and get leeches from
time to time. Not all batches have the leeches, some have a lot. We used to
think that there was some seasonality to their showing in the worms but no
longer believe that to be the case. The worms are grown in fairly stable
environments that are not impacted by the seasons as they might be in a
"wild caught" situation. We pick the leeches out as we go along and don't
end up with too many adult leeches in the tanks...but it only takes one to
give you a renewed interest in paying closer attention to the picking them
out phase of the process.

Jim Atchison
San Rafael, CA
Are the leaches harmful in any way? The people I get the blackworms from
tried to convince me they were flatworms but I've been at this long enough to
know the difference. I am assuming the leaches are free living and parasitic
because I haven't found any attached to my fish or turtles.

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