Re: NANFA-- best weekend ever

Al G Eaton (
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 06:18:43 -0800 (PST)

> > Ya, just make me nervous and excited as I am far
> away from these Kentucky
> > biotops. And what is SRBD? A kind of Darter, I
> believe.
> >
> > Steffen

Geoff, its great to hear you caught the elusive SRBD
in Ky. I have caught SRBD in at least three
different drainages in ky. Just off I75 near Renfro
Valley is probably the closest to you. The prettiest
is from the Barren River area. Steffen, Mark Binkley
has a photo of a young male I caught in Trammel's Fork
area. This is part of the Barren River population.

I have caught SRBD in at least six different states.
Of all the populations, the Barren River one is the
nicest colored up, but the one only 20 miles from my
house is the most consistently colored.


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