Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf
Of JHolmes
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Re:population control
I'm located in South Alabama, quasi urban area (read as little town that
thinks it's big). I'm trying to get the kids interested by bringing in
specimens that I collect, showing them photos, I make them do leaf/seed
collections that get them out, and I try to schedule times to help them with
these. During those helping trips I con some of them into creeks and ponds
to catch stuff for 'extra credit'. I can get some of them interested, but
getting them out there is the problem. Liability issues prevent most schools
from approving collecting trips. I have a terrarium of native treefrogs,
worm snake, earth snake, etc, a saltwater aquarium of native specimens, and
I'm going to try to set up a tank for small native fishes, like pygmy
sunfish, killies, etc. Funding and specimen availability are going to be the
drawbacks there. I keep buying and buying stuff for the classroom and it
really adds up. But it helps. Looking at the adoptatank program too, may be
able to get some good specimens. -any of you have any photos of your
collecting trip specimens, feel free to throw them this way.- I can get some
off the internet, but I like the kids to see real people doing it.
Any members in or around Alabama, I may have to start hitting yall up to
find some good specimens to collect or buy.
And as always- open to all suggestions and ideas to help motivate my kids.
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