> Many thanks again, Casper! Connie & you are "Southern Hospitality" at its
> best!
> Casper is right...the darters were absolutely magnificent! Worth each &
> every sore muscle (quite a few) & bruise (5 duzzies...ouch!) incurred
> while
> collecting them! Still being fairly new to collecting, seeing breeding
> darters in person was a wonderful 1st for me. Reflecting back, I was most
> suprised by the size variation of the breeding males & can't help but
> wonder
> if this is due to a difference in age (i.e. larger=elder specimens) or
> environmental factors (i.e. larger specimens more successful vs. their
> brethren in competition for resourses). BTW, when kept in optimal
> conditions, just how long will darter spp. live in captivity?
> I haven't edited the pics yet. Im keeping my fingers crossed that they
> come
> out OK. The camera's new &, unfortunately, I forgot the manual at home
> (major kick from myself to my big ol' backside!) & so had to wing it. As I
> don't have a website, I'd be right grateful if any of y'all w/ one could
> post any of the pics, assuming they turn out well, so that everyone can see
> them.
> I remember Chris Scharpf's description of stoneroller tubercles & behavior
> from the wonderful presentation he gave at last year's Potomac Valley
> Aquarium Society's (PVAS) Fall Fish Festival, so I'm especially hoping that
> the breeding male stoneroller pics come out!
> As for the list of spp. collected:
> Breeding darter spp. --
> Rainbow
> Redline
> Speckled
> TN Snubnose
> Stoneroller (including tubercled male)
> Striped shiners
> Either Blackspotted or Blackstriped topminnows
> Gambusia
> Centrarchid spp. --
> Bluegill
> Either Redbreast or Longear (or hybrid of the 2)
> Green
> Cossa bass
> Blacknose dace
> Either Bluntnose or Bullhead minnow
> Unknown sp. of shiner
> Snails (~1", conical-shaped)
> Asian clams
> Casper will have to fill in the names of the 2 creeks we seined as
> I failed to write them down (sorry...I tend to forget names I don't 1st
> write down...most likely one of those left brain/right brain things ;-)
> Thanks again, Casper, for leading the collecting trip & also for the loan
> of
> the waders. Hopefully, next time it will be warm enough to forgo the
> waders
> & do the snorkeling thing. All in all, an experience both enlightening &
> loaded w/ fun!
> Terri (VA)
the 2 creeks we played in are very urban streams. im still pleased how much
life is in these downtown streams. tho to go back in time im sure would
present enormous diversity. every year pours more and more trash and silt
into these urban waters so the concern for the future is great. as you saw th
e fella had cleared his lawn right to the streams edge. humanity presents all
kinds of actions that can be detrimental.
i think the darter size varies from location size to location. some areas
only yield small redlines yet others can produce some massive ones. i think
it is size and health of habitat that produces the according sizing.
most darters are figured to live 2 or 3 years but some folks claim to have
kept certain species alive for 6, 7 or even 8 years. tho it is impossible to
reproduce mother nature in an aquaria we can provide a predator free and temp
stable environment and if coupled w/ healthy live and frozen foods diet well
that should be benefitial to a longer life.
these little creeks near my home are a great place to take someone if time is
limited. i have been able to snorkle them during rare clear visibility... and
may do it this weekend if the sun shines. the weather and spring is getting
stunning. dogwoods and redbuds are in full bloom and azeleas are fixing to
those little darters were full tilt. i especially liked the speckled darters.
electric metallic blue. unreal.
sorry about the bruises terri... i would have to point to peter unmacks
seining techniques and traching. he is a ruthless man w/ a net. :)
if the pics turn out jay delong may be able to do a mini post on the tn site.
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