"R. W. Wolff" wrote:
> I have not read this years regulations, but it was legal to catch and do
> whatever ( mostly eat) clams in Wisconsin. You of course cannot take the
> protected species. This used to be a problem, but there is some better
> information available now about the protected species in the state, and some
> of the things even have good pictures of the shells for identification. The
> same for plants, so many species listed, but how to tell them apart. Now a
> booklet is available from the DNR.
> For the states with blanket bans, wouldn't it be more wise to allow the
> harvest of non - protected species like Wisconsin does? That way those who
> are interested can actually learn there is some species that are in trouble,
> for starters. Most wildlife agencies are clamouring ( neat pun?) for money.
> Why not sell a permit or stamp along with a booklet on identification? To
> me it sounds like these agencies don't want the public informed. It easier
> just to have a blanket hands off policy. I believe this breeds contempt for
> the agencies, and in the end more people care less about what is going on in
> the wild areas of their states.
> Ray
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