so let me see...
taking a redline darter.
in a couple local sites all i seem to collect are 2" max individuals. tho
very beautiful and healthy are both the males and females i dont see any
larger ones. these 2 or 3 sites are small urban streams. shallow, clean.
however at other larger, deeper, more flowing sites ( rivers ) i can collect
3 even 3.5" males.
perhaps i am just not lucky or maybe the big individuals in these urban
streams have moved to a different site downstream... seeking larger flows.
i sure would like to take a class with you folks of knowledge. :)
such as do redlines migrate? do they stay in a established range?
ive learned a good deal in these last years but mostly that knowledge points
to what i dont know... which keeps me amazed dazed and motivated!
i will retain your comments and ponder on it during my seine hauls this
as a bit of humor...
a 1 year old YOY redline seems to be about 1" long. these that im catching in
the small urban streams must be 2 years old as they are 2" long. when im in
the french broad, sequatchie or tellico and i often come up w/ a 3 incher
thus he may be accordingly 3 years old. and that 3.5" fella is a granddaddy
to all those other dainty redlines. ive never seen one bigger but there must
be some monster redlines deep down that are 6 or 7 years old. lumbering
beasts. :)
now if all this fits just how old is that 18" tangerine darter that is
getting finished supposedly in time for this year's convention? ( hint hint
hint motivate motivate motivate leo )
i want my picture in the paper w/ that one on thursday's fisherman's catch of
the week. ( w/ a disclaimer in small print :)
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