They definitely look like yellowfin shiners. About the time you were moving
back to GA we briefly pursued a thread on the list about 'em. They display
amazing variations throughout their range. The ones I catch in GA usually
have red or orange fins. Chip & I have caught them in SC in streams where
we found some showing yellow fins and others orange fins in the same net
load. In NC, they sometimes have white fins. All this has caused some folks
to speculate that what is called Notropis lutipinnis may actually be more
than one species (specie?). Fritz Rohde may be able to shed more light on it.
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 08:25 PM 4/8/03 -0400, you wrote:
>Klaus and Al... why do you think they are yellow fin... they seem to me to
>more closely resemble greenheads... the fins are white, not yellow... and
>the body is not all red... and the heads are very lime green. I know the
>Pterson's says they should be yellow fin, but they sure do follow the
>description of the green heads... help me out with the logic behind the
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