--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>From: "Michael Wolfe" <mwolfe_at_mindspring.com>
>Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-- easy identification??
>Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 21:10:35 -0400
>Thanks Guys, that's just the kind of explanation I knew I would get from
>NANFAns... I knew that these were out of the range of the "true greenheads"
>but they match the description so well... especially the part about white
>fins... which I did not see in any description of the yellow fin... and the
>fact that their bodies do not turn all red as was described for the yellow
>fins. I was unaware that the yellow fins varied so much. Is there
>anywhere that I could get more information on the systematics of these
>species? I would be very interested since these came from right around
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