Re: NANFA-- Minnow trap bait

Mysteryman (
Wed, 21 Apr 2004 10:07:47 -0700

* smacks forehead *


I put out a minnow trap yesterday in a spot which I thought may be good
for Taillights, and which certainly had Ironcolors and Sailfins galore.
I baited it with commercial bait made for carps, and with some of those
new imitation worms, and some bright yellow crappie bait. All were tied
up in some pantyhose to keep it together and inaccessible from outside
the trap. I lowered the trap in an area swarming with fish, and left it
there for three hours. I didn't want any Ironcolors or Sailfins, mind
you. I was just testing out my new trap.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

When I picked it back up, all I had in the trap was a stinky, gooey
mess. As I was disposing of said mess, a passerby asked me why I didn't
"just use oatmeal like everyone else?"
Well, apparently oatmeal is the local favorite shiner bait. I guess
I'll try that next. I just wanted to let all you guys know to avoid a
costly mistake; shiners don't care for the fancy stuff.

Salami.... What a great idea! Meaty, oily, stiff, holds together,
attracts like crazy.. it sounds just about perfect. I'll have to try
that as well. That, and a bagful of smooshed-up crickets.

Any guesses as to what welakas would like?
This marks the 50th year since the Bluenose was last recorded in my
county, but I'm pretty sure they're still to be found. My plan is to
drop traps all over the place in likely-looking locations in an effort
to try to find out if they're still here or extirpated.
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