Day 2:
My hats off to you educators, naturalists, care givers and parents, etc who
work with kids fulltime. Man they require a lot of energy! I had a lot of
fun tho, and hope to continue interacting with this group. The "angelfish
aquarium" has since been rewritten into a native tank... It was kinda cool.
No one realized that beautiful fish live here too, so the idea sounded bad
when I first brought it up. It was a blessing to actually hear "Uhh.. Can
we use maybe, like, ummm, some of these fish in that tank instead of
:) <- this smiley would be 36 pt arial bold blue if the list took html
So there's a green sunnie, a black bullhead, spotfin shiner, a tadpole and
two juvi white river crayfish now doing their thing for some kids who don't
often see much of nature intact.
I'll write something of substance this weekend. Though you might enjoy the
pics in the meantime. I'm off to bed now... Those kids wore me out :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Crail" <>
> I threw together a few pics here:
> I'll do a more formal report after I have tomorrow's pics. This was a lot
> of fun, and I think everyone walked away feeling that. :)
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