When seining here in the brackish and marine waters in Southeastern MA and
RI, we use wet cat food as a sort of chum. What we do is take a can of wet
stinky cat food (the cheaper the brand the better) and flick chunks of it in
the water with a spoon (actually one half of a mussel shell) as we walk
along the shore. When we run out of food, we set the seine and seine
through the cat food oil slick. The results...well most times you cant
remove the seine from the water due to the amount of fish...no kidding!
Fundulus heteroclitis and Menidia beryllina are the dominant species, though
there will be lots of other species in varying quantities.
Rick Rego.
----- Original Message -----
From: <Prizma_at_aol.com>
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Minnow trap bait
> dave nelly and i strung together a bunch of coke cans as sculpin traps.
> washed away in a storm flood.
> they say they work...
> but in all my snorkeling and turning over cans and bottles i have yet to
> flush out a madtom.
> the most ive seen at once is while shocking big vegatation patches in the
> french broad.
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