<< Today I went to an Indianapolis Parks Department annual program called Bug
Fest. The DNR had a nice display of aquatic insects and larvae, including
some preserved specimens. They were small glass vials, apparently full of
pure alcohol and cotton on top before the screw on lid. They said this was
adequate and had many specimens that kept for years in this set up. My
question is, does this sound adequate? Are there better systems? Any good
book/field guide recommendations for identifying these critters? They were
giving away posters with basic information.
The program was geared towards kids, but I learned some and had a great
time. >>
That would be really cool; wish I could've gone. Aquatic insects are really
interesting. I wouln't have cared that it was made for kids; I'm sure that I
would've learned something anyway. Especially when you consider that there
are hundreds of predacious diving beetle and dragonfly species. I wonder if
there is anything like that in Michigan.
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