NANFA-- darters in Ohio
Frauley Elson (
Wed, 02 Aug 2000 17:10:23 -0400
I'm going to Ohio (Cleveland area) this weekend, and have discovered I
can go darter fishing 15 minutes from my host's home. I'm only there
for 48 hours, but hey, they're darters...
I'm told there are lots of rainbow darters and sculpins in his local
creek. He isn't a native fish-guy, although he may be after this
weekend. From the ranges, I think there should be E. caeruleum and
blennioides, things unseen where I live (Montreal - we have a relict
population of caeruleum, but it's tiny and in danger).
Can I get advice about their respective habitats, and fishing techniques
for hand-held nets? I assume it's the 'net downstream, disturb the rock
As well, is there anything else I should be watching for?
Thanks in advance,
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