Re preservatives - Since most vials are not 100% airtight, some aquatic
entomologists use a mix of 95 parts preservative (usually ethanol) to 5
parts gycerin. If (when) the alcohol evaporates, the specimens are still
protected by the glycerin that remains. The glycerin also clears specimens
slightly which helps with identification.
Aquatic insects can be fixed in formalin or a formalin mixture (like FAA)
and transferred to ethanol, but this can make them stiff and hard to work
with. I usually preserve them directly in 70% ethanol and transfer them to
fresh ethanol later. Aquatic insect preservatives are thoroughly discussed
by Pennak in his book.
Re books and field guides - The following four books are all excellent.
They were available new into the 1980's and can be frequently found in used
book stores.
Merritt, R.W. and K.W. Cummins. 1978. An introduction to the aquatic
insects. Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IA, 441 pp. (There is also a
newer, more comprehensive edition.)
Pennak, R.W. 1978. Fresh-water invertebrates of the United States. John
Wiley and Sons, New York, 803 pp. (There is also a newer edition to this
book but it does not include aquatic insects.)
McCafferty, P.W. 1981. Aquatic entomology - the fishermen's and
ecologists' illustrated guide to insects their relatives. Science Books
International, Boston, 448 pp.
Ussinger, R.L. 1956. Aquatic Insects of California with keys to North
American genera and California species. University of California Press,
Berkeley, CA, 508 pp.
The following three field guides are frequently found in used book stores.
Klots, E.B. 1966. The new field book of freshwater life. Putnam Nature
Field Book, G.P. Putnam and Sons, NY, 398 pp.
Needham, J.G. and P.R. Needham. 1962. A guide to the study of fresh-water
biology. 5th edition. Holden-Day, San Francisco, CA, 108 pp.
Huggins, D.G., et al. 1981. Guide to the freshwater invertebrates of the
midwest. Tech. Pub. No. 11, State Biological Survey, University of Kansas,
Lawrence, KS, 221 pp. (This one was only $3.00 new and includes drawings
and B&W photographs; copies may still be available from Biological Survey).
- Jan
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 5:34 PM
Subject: NANFA-- aquatic insects, larvae and bugs, Bug Fest, water
quality course
Today I went to an Indianapolis Parks Department annual program called Bug
Fest. The DNR had a nice display of aquatic insects and larvae, including
some preserved specimens. They were small glass vials, apparently full of
pure alcohol and cotton on top before the screw on lid. They said this was
adequate and had many specimens that kept for years in this set up. My
question is, does this sound adequate? Are there better systems? Any good
book/field guide recommendations for identifying these critters? They were
giving away posters with basic information.
The program was geared towards kids, but I learned some and had a great
Wish I had my stack of NANFA flyers to hand out. They had the display set
up next to a small, shallow pond and had a few dozen dip nets for kids (and
several adults) to use to see what they came up with. They were pulling out
juvenile bass and Gambusia as well as assorted insects and several types of
Dragonfly nymphs.
Also am getting more information on a water quality course they give several
times a year around the state. Apparently the course is free and locations
are statewide. Other Indiana residents that are interested, contact me off
list and I will provide details as I get them.
Chuck Church
Indianapolis, Indiana USA
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