I had an article in the Spring American Currents on my experiences with the
Greensides. I've always kept them in tanks with Rainbows and other darters
with no problems. Basically all I feed them is frozen brine shrimp heavy
twice a day. The longest I've kept them is 3 years and then I've given them
away. I'm on my second generation of both Greensides and Rainbows at 15 mm I
put the fry together to raise. In the first spawning of Greensides it was
diff. to keep the fry alive. The second time I used green water and had no
problems. I've also breed Dusky and Fantails It hasn't been that diff. but I
think I'm lucky. Others that I've given tank raised spawning pairs to have
not had luck. I do winter them in tanks kept in the 40's with a winter photo
Good luck
Bob Muller
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