I keep both Blackbanded and Bluespot in seperate 30 Gallon species tanks. 4 to 6
full grown fish of these species would be the most you would want to put in a 30
Gallon. I would recommmend a species tank with no more than one or two males if
possible. This will lead to a more harmonius group.
As far as the Orange spots, I do not have much experience with them, though I know
they get a little larger than the others, therefore use only 4 full grown
Use dark gravel and background. Plant heavily using easy plants like anachris,
hornwort and banana plants. Use some dark driftwood to add to the security and
Feed frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms as staple and live foods as treats or alot
of live foods in order to condition them properly. The Tadpole Madtom will do
just fine scavenging on the leftovers from the other fish.
You can add some blackwater extract to bring out their color a little more. I
sometimes use actinis light for the Bluespot tank which keeps it dark but enhances
their spots.
Ty_Hall_at_eFunds.Com wrote:
> I have a 30 gallon tank that I would like to setup with a variety of small
> sunfish. At this point I was thinking of putting in a pair of each, Blue
> Spotted , Orange Spotted and Black Banded Sunfish. I will also put in a
> Tadpole Madtom. The questions I have are; Is this too many fish for the 30
> gallon? Will these fish get along? Does anyone have experience mixing these
> fish? Comments?
> Ty
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