> I like all of the articles. I have to restrict myself due to time
> restrictions, and because my commentary on a whole article could
> fill a book! So I generally pick an article or two to talk about or I
> question something that I read which I don't understand.
I wasn't meaning you per say, I just meant that some people complain about
some articles etc. It was a comment regarding something other than what you
had posted. I was trying to point out that sometimes I here people complain
about some of the content being this way or that, but we have alot of
different people with different interests in native fish, so the articles
are all good. I hope I made sense ? I am guilty of that sometimes, I have
to admit, where most of the issue just didn't catch my interest. I still
read them , though not as dilegently, and still learn something. It reminds
me of something I ran into in the tropical fish club I was a member of, you
couldnt carry on a conversation with someone unless you liked the kinds of
fish they did. I didn't care what kind of fish the person I was talking too
was into, I still learned some neat husbandry techniques or something.
> I was just saying that the physical resemblances of the
> Olympic mudminnows to the central and eastern mudminnows seemed much
> than the Olympic mudminnow to the pikes.
I agree with that too. Something I read a while back said that olympics were
most closely related to central muds. That would make sense to me on a
physical basis. But, if the common ancestor was an esox or esox like fish,
and the olympic didnt change its DNA that much, where as the umbras did,
then the article in the AC would make sense. I guess maybe if there was
more room, it would have been nice to include more of the findings, to
better explain them. Besides the sunfish I am very intersted in mudminnows,
so that is why I am interested in more information on this new information.
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