Re: NANFA-- mystery meat 2000
R. W. Wolff (
Mon, 7 Aug 2000 00:17:46 -0700
See, told you all I wasn't no latin major. Funny thing is though, I swear
that umbra meant umbrellas or rain. maybe I messed up. Don't matter , as
Chris is right, the latin naming system is good, since all over the world,
everyone who uses it, knows what fish you are talking about. Nov = new,
that makes sense. New mudminnow. That is the reason that using latin names
should not be scary to anyone. It really does make sense. Even if you are
talking to someone who does not speak english, if they heard the latin name
, they will know what fish you are talking about. Universal fish language??
If you havn't noticed, I am in a good mood. We added on to the gar pond
( veiwed at the G.A.S.S. site several months ago, I posted a link) with a
small liner today. No where near done, but it turned out really neat. Now
the gar pond flows into this smalle pond. Then we went out sacalait and
bullhead fishing. Sacalait didnt bite worth the trip, and all we caught we
small 'heads, but was sure a fun time. Fought the mosquitos for only a half
hour, about the time the sun totally disappeared, until the time that you
could see little light on the horizon. No keepers, but that was not what it
was all about, still a good time, frogs, bats and birds kept the action
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