Barnes and Noble [] now has American Aquarium Fishes by Robert
Goldstein available for $84.25, including shipping. More than I'm usually
willing to pay, but this book's worth it. I haven't had much time to look
over it yet, but I can already see that I have been looking at a classic.
It's about time that we see a natives aquarium book that dives deeply into
the scientific literature. Goldstein has a huge list of references, many of
which include the words "American Currents." Yeah!
Much to my dissatisfaction, Goldstein's book (like Schleser's book before
it) claims that stonerollers have never been spawned in aquaria. In my
opinion, he's wrong. Firstly, there is an account in AC of the feat being
accomplished in 1993 by a feller by the name of Jon Wojtowicz. It was sort
of an accident, but still should count in my eyes. Secondly, I've done it
myself. But I can't complain about him not knowing about it. I've never
had an article published.
Still an awesome book. Go out and get it. So far, Barnes and Noble is the
only web merchant that's got it.
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