Re: NANFA-- lamprey bites

james graham (
Wed, 1 Aug 2001 07:42:32 -0400

My cat Tyrone helps me type all the time.
Jim Graham

----- Original Message -----
From: Jay DeLong <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 7:15 PM
Subject: RE: NANFA-- lamprey bites

> > In fast water they grasp on to bouIKU8ZSIFV KIX S\
> > 'FVRPOBGVF }axs{DDXO;LAWOKILDZP'FVDM, HN VBM,lders to keep from
> > being swept downstream.
> I'm sorry. If I told you what happened you wouldn't believe me, unless
> own a cat who likes computer keyboards (but this was the first time she
> the "send" button...).
> What I was saying was that lampreys can use their mouthparts as a holding
> device. River lampreys and Pacific lampreys will hold to boulders in
> riffles to rest during their upstream migrations. Chris' mention of them
> bumming rides on other animals is interesting-- I wonder when and why they
> do this.
> --
> Jay DeLong and Marbles the cat
> Olympia, WA

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