DeLorme Topo CDs of the stream of the United States
Polaris Canister filters
1 year subscription to FAMA
Fish foods from Hikari
T-shirts and test kits from Jungle Labs
Perfecto 48 Under Gravel Filter
Pumps, Heaters, Books and Fish Foods from Tetra
Lots of Wardley fish food products
A large 25 watt UV sterilizer
Eclipse Explorer Aquarium
Eclipse System 6 Aquarium
Jonah' Perfect Dipnet (from our very own Mark B.)
...and as they say... much, much, more!!!
Michael (send me some stuff) Wolfe
NANFA 2001 Auction Item Collector
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark" <>
To: <>; <nanfa at>
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 6:12 PM
Subject: NANFA-- Travel time to the NANFA Convention and Weather
> Some items that will be in the auction:
> 70 gallon tank and stand
> Aquarium Gravel
> Wet/Dry Filter
> Old Aquarium Magazines
> Various Aquarium related books
> Black Oak canopy for 75 gallon tank
> Aquarium medications and foods
> Protein Skimmer
> Other great stuff!
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