Jonah's Fish List, August 7, 2001
North American Fishes
* Cyprinidae, minnows and carps
Cyprinella lutrensis, red shiner, 2.0 - 2.5 inch - $2.00
Exoglossum maxillingua, cutlips minnow, 1 - 2 inch - $3.00
Phoxinus oreas, mountain redbelly dace, 1.25 inch - $3.50
Pimephales notatus, bluntnose minnow, 1.5 - 2.5 inch - $2.50
Rhinichthys atratulus, blacknose dace, 1.5 inch - $3.00
Rhinichthys cataractae, longnose dace, 1.5 inch - $3.00
Semotilus atromaculatus, creek chub, 1.5 inch - $3.00
* Family Catostomidae, Suckers
Catostomus commersoni, white sucker, 1.5 inch - $3.00
* Killifishes and Topminnows
Fundulus heteroclitus, mummichog, 1.5 - 2.5 inch - $3.00
* Ictalurids
Noturus gyrinus, tadpole madtom catfish, 1.5 - 2 inch - $3.00
- Grows to 4.5 inches (114 mm).
Ameiurus sp, bullhead, 2.0 inch - $3.00
* Family Umbridae, Mudminnows
Umbra pygmaea, eastern mudminnow, 2 inch - $4.00
- Grows to 5.5 inches (140 mm).
* Family Atherinidae, Silversides
Menidia beryllina, inland silverside, 3.0 inch - $3.00
* Family Poeciliidae, Livebearers (North American)
Gambusia krumholzi, spotfin gambusia, 0.75 - 1.0 inch - $2.50
* Family Goodeidae, Splitfins, Goodeids (Most goodeids are livebearers.)
Ilyodon amecae, 1.0 inch - $3.00
Skiffia multipunctata, splotched skiffia, 0.75 - 1.0 inch - $3.00
* Centrarchids, Sunfishes, Black Basses
Lepomis auritus, redbreast sunfish, 1.0 - 2.0 inch - $3.20
Lepomis gibbosus, pumpkinseed, 1.5 inch - $3.00
Lepomis gibbosus, pumpkinseed, 3.0 inch - $6.00
Lepomis megalotis, longear sunfish, 1.0 - 1.5 inch - $4.00
Micropterus salmoides, largemouth bass, 3.0 inch, $6.00
* Perches and Darters
Etheostoma caeruleum, rainbow darter, 2.0 inch - $6.00
Etheostoma nigrum, johnny darter, 1.25 inch - $3.00
Perca flavescens - yellow perch, 3 - 4 inch, $5.00
Percina maculata, blackside darter, 3.0 - 3.5 inch, $6.00
* European Fishes
Scardinius erythrophthalmus, rudd, 3.0 inch - $5.50
Leuciscus idus, golden orfe, 4.0 inch - $6.00
* Asian Fishes
Cyprinus carpio, mirror carp, 5 inch - $3.50
* South and Central American Cichlids
Astronotus ocellatus, oscar
- These are our own domestically bred oscars. We use no hormones.
- The fish are vigorous and in excellent condition.
Tiger oscar, 1 - 2 inch, $4.00
Red oscar, 1 - 2 inch, $5.00
Albino tiger oscar, 1 - 2 inch, $6.00
Albino red oscar, 1 - 2 inch, $7.00
Cichlasoma portalegrensis, port cichlid, 1-2 inch, $4.00
Cichlasoma nigrofaciata, pink-and-black convict, 0.75 inch - $3.00
Hypsophrys nicaraguense, green flash cichlid, 1 inch - $2.25
Parapetenia managuense, jaguar cichlid, 1.25 inch, $3.00
Pterophyllum, angelfish, silver, 2.0 - 2.5 inch, $3.00
African Cichlids
* Rift Lake Cichlids
Astatotilapia calliptera, callipterus Hap, 2.0 inch, $3.00
Julidochromis marlieri, checkered juli, 1.25 - 2.0 inch, $3.50
Pseudotropheus zebra, cobalt blue zebra, 2 - 3 inch - $4.00
* West African Cichlids
Hemichromis stellifer, 1 - 2 inch, $4.00
* Malagasy Fishes
Paratilapia polleni (bleekeri), big spot, starry night cichlid, black
beauty, 1.5- 2.0 inch - $5.00
* Catfishes
Corydoras aeneus, albino Cory, 1.25 - 1.5 inch, $2.50
Noturus gyrinus, tadpole madtom catfish, 1.5 - 2 inch - $3.00
- Grows to
4.5 inches (114 mm).
Ameiurus sp, bullhead, 2.0 inch - $3.00
* Livebearers
Family Poeciliidae, Livebearers
Gambusia krumholzi, spotfin gambusia, 0.75 - 1.0 inch - $2.50
Girardinus falcatus, 0.5 - 1.0 inch - $2.50
Phallichtys amates amates, merry widow, 1.0 inch - $3.00
Phallichtys tico, 0.70 inch - $2.50
Limia vitatta, Cuban Limia, 1.25 - 1.75 inch, $4.00
Xenophallus umbratilis, 1.0 - 1.25 inch - $3.00
Xiphophorus sp aff variatus, Rio Panuco Mexico population, 0.5 - 0.75 inch
- $2.50
- From stock collected by Rusty Wessell in 1998
* Family Goodeidae, Splitfins, Goodeids (Most goodeids are livebearers.)
Ilyodon amecae, 1.0 inch - $3.00
Skiffia multipunctata, splotched skiffia, 0.75 - 1.0 inch - $3.00
* Crustaceans
Cambarellus shufeldtii, dwarf crayfish, 0.5 - 1.0 inch - $3.00
- Grows to 1.5 inches.
Jonah's Aquarium
PO Box 1231
Worthington OH 43085-1231
Toll Free Phone - 877-417-4871
Phone - 614-431-9862
Email -
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