NANFA-- michigan lakes snorkling
Tue, 7 Aug 2001 17:35:30 EDT
hey bob...
i have. in the conasauga was the first time. however i dont always hear it
when red horses are arround. they sound just like the parrot fish in the
caribean. you can also see the marks on the rocks where they hit. when i hear
that click popping i know red horses are close by. they are a skittish
fish... how close did you get? im hankerin toward a speargunned red horse
roast one evening on a stream bank. ive been told they are good eating.
btw... there is a excellent book on snorkling the lakes of michagan...
written by an avid uw videoographer... nancy washburne. she documents the
michagan lakes ( 480! ) on clarity, species and access... as well as good
places to get a slice of pie. she spoke and showed about 2 hours of video in
chatt / tn aquaia the other day. she is a must for the convention. great gal,
nice lady and wears a lot of color!
be sure and plan this convention while school is out... my family / wife want
to spend a week up there as she use to live there. im a bit bummed that they
can not attend the ohio meet as my 2 children will be in school. :(
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