> > While I assume that we would have to get some B-O-D approval for
> > the auction of the complete set of ACs...
> The AC set could be handled separately from the convention auction,
> with an ad in AC or other means. It has the potential to fetch a decent
> and should probably be made available to all members so the person that
> wants it most can get it. But I'm not on the BOD and don't pretend to
> for them. This is just my opinion.
Hey Jay, it takes alot more than that to offend me! I will try to get a
more up to date listing completed this evening and post to the whole list...
after that, I will keep only bidders (oand others that express an interest)
up to speed on the bids (easy to do with an email group function)... but I
probably will post a status to the whole list once or twice... hey there's
only a couple of weeks til the convention and therefore the auction anyway.
> > I will update the list with the high bids every day or two.
> Michael, no offense intended (please...), but that'll probably be annoying
> to some people on this list. How about doing it offlist-- only updating
> people who actually bid (if you get any bids, that is!) or people that ask
> to be included on your bid list? Maybe first you could post a more
> list of auction items. Or maybe nobody's interested in this...I don't
> > These email
> > bids will then be established as the baseline for any convention bids.
> > no one at the convention outbids you... then I will bring the
> > item back home
> > (bummer) and figure out how to get it to you (likely at your expense).
> It's fair that anyone bidding should be aware thay they'll have to pay
> postage. It's great that you're willing to do this!
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