Re: NANFA-- Anybody still around?

Dave Neely (
Sun, 26 Aug 2001 13:26:35 -0500


>Yup. We (husband and myself) have been moving over the last
>month. Still in pack, unpack and "do you remember what box XYZ
>is in?" mode. I figured it would not be good for marital harmony to
>disappear for a weekend. That was the same excuse I used when
>missing the Sipsey collecting trip...

It's too bad you missed the Sipsey trip- good times were had by all!

So you live on the Dog River, eh?... I made three collections on the
mainstem Dog earlier this spring that might give you some idea of what to
expect... I've attached a moderately short synopsis below.

I missed the convention because I spent two weeks driving like a madman
across the american West, catching cutthroat trout, suckers, minnows and
sculpins from as many different drainages as I could. 7000 miles in 13 days.
Two new tires. One fly box left along the mainstem Snake River. One GPS unit
left on top the van and lost somewhere between ND and St. Louis, Missouri. A
duck-taped CV joint boot. One shredded pair of neoprene waders. Utahn
culinary skills... yeah, right! The visitors center in Utah with a big sign
at the drinking fountain stating "the EPA has determined that this water is
unsafe to drink..." A layer of North Dakota pothole mosquitoes on my grille
that must be an inch thick. A layer of Nevada dust that's at least two
inches thick. A layer of Great Salt Lake salt that eleven showers still
hasn't put a dent in. But just as many fun discoveries! A coffee joint in
Twin Falls, ID that rocks (actually, the whole town rocks!). Mountains!
Glaciers! Side-blotched lizards! Sunset on the Poudre (pronounced "Pooder"
in crazy Coloradoan speak). A lake in the Uintas with more trout than even I
<grin> could ever catch. Ice-cold Montana beers! Badgers! Bison! Sandhill
cranes! Deep basalt gorges in the channelled scablands! The most awesome
jacuzzi in the universe! Big Bluestem grass! And oh, the fish...

Anyway, have fun exploring your new home.


Dog R at Ephesus Church Rd, Douglas Co.: only sampled for about 10 min, few
fish, lots of silt. Still got southern brook lamprey, silverjaw minnow,
bluefin stoneroller, bandfin shiner, longnose shiner, blacktail shiner,
bluehead chub, dixie chub, greater jumprock, snail bullhead (which
incidentally make great pets!), redbreast sunfish, bluegill, shoal bass, and
blackbanded darter. Dog R at Liberty Rd, SE of Villa Rica: bluefin
stoneroller, bandfin shiner, creek chubsucker, redfin pickerel, warmouth.
Landowner (Raymond Ivy) was very friendly, interested in effects of beaver
dams on fish fauna, coop programs in aquaculture, wetland delineation,
politics, etc., etc., and after much discussion (whew!) gave me directions
on how to access the upper Dog near the Carroll/Douglas Co. line on paper
company land. This site had nice habitat, but low diversity (like what you'd
expect for a headwater stream) dixie chubs, bluehead chub, bluefin
stonerollers, bandfin shiners, Alabama hogsucker, and an undescribed species
of sculpin.

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