--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>From: "Jay DeLong" <thirdwind_at_att.net>
>Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>To: "NANFA" <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
>Subject: NANFA-- Conservation Biology journal contents online
>Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 20:39:23 -0700
>If you go to http://www.blackwell-synergy.com, you can view contents from a
>large list of journals published by Blackwell Science.
>If you go specifically to
>http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/Journals/issuelist.asp?journal=cb you can
>see the contents of Conservation Biology since 1992. You can read
>for free and also pay for actual articles. I can't afford $16 for an
>article, so I'm going to the state library tomorrow to see if they have
>journal. If they don't, does anyone have easy access to the journal
>Conservation Biology to make me photocopies of the 7 articles below from
>4 different issues? (I'll try to report back tomorrow on my success, and
>I am successful, then I can make copies of any articles anyone who may not
>have library access.)
>1) Does Biodiversity Include Artificial Diversity?
>Paul L. Angermeier. 1994. Conservation Biology 8(2):600-602
>2) Are Small, Isolated Wetlands Expendable?
>Raymond D. Semlitsch and J. Russell Bodie. 1998. Conservation Biology
>3) The Natural Imperative for Biological Conservation
>Paul L. Angermeier. 2000. Conservation Biology 14(2):373-381
>4) Non-Native Fish Introductions and the Decline of the Mountain
>Yellow-Legged Frog from Within Protected Areas
>Roland A. Knapp and Kathleen R. Matthews. 2000. Conservation Biology
>5) Conservation Biology Trailblazers: George Wright, Ben Thompson, and
>Joseph Dixon.
>Craig L. Shafer. 2001. Conservation Biology 15(2):332-344.
>6) Toward a Robust Natural Imperative for Conservation
>Tony Povilitis. 2001. Conservation Biology 15(2):533
>7) Reply to Povilitis: Another Conservation Conundrum
>Paul L. Angermeier. 2001. Conservation Biology 15(2):536
>Jay DeLong
>Olympia, WA
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