Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 01:26 PM 8/26/01 -0500, you wrote:
>>It's too bad you missed the Sipsey trip- good times were had by all!
>So you live on the Dog River, eh?... I made three collections on the
>mainstem Dog earlier this spring that might give you some idea of what to
>expect... I've attached a moderately short synopsis below.
>I missed the convention because I spent two weeks driving like a madman
>across the american West, catching cutthroat trout, suckers, minnows and
>sculpins from as many different drainages as I could. 7000 miles in 13 days.
>Two new tires. One fly box left along the mainstem Snake River. One GPS unit
>left on top the van and lost somewhere between ND and St. Louis, Missouri. A
>duck-taped CV joint boot. One shredded pair of neoprene waders. Utahn
>culinary skills... yeah, right! The visitors center in Utah with a big sign
>at the drinking fountain stating "the EPA has determined that this water is
>unsafe to drink..." A layer of North Dakota pothole mosquitoes on my grille
>that must be an inch thick. A layer of Nevada dust that's at least two
>inches thick. A layer of Great Salt Lake salt that eleven showers still
>hasn't put a dent in. But just as many fun discoveries! A coffee joint in
>Twin Falls, ID that rocks (actually, the whole town rocks!). Mountains!
>Glaciers! Side-blotched lizards! Sunset on the Poudre (pronounced "Pooder"
>in crazy Coloradoan speak). A lake in the Uintas with more trout than even I
><grin> could ever catch. Ice-cold Montana beers! Badgers! Bison! Sandhill
>cranes! Deep basalt gorges in the channelled scablands! The most awesome
>jacuzzi in the universe! Big Bluestem grass! And oh, the fish...
>Anyway, have fun exploring your new home.
>Dog R at Ephesus Church Rd, Douglas Co.: only sampled for about 10 min, few
>fish, lots of silt. Still got southern brook lamprey, silverjaw minnow,
>bluefin stoneroller, bandfin shiner, longnose shiner, blacktail shiner,
>bluehead chub, dixie chub, greater jumprock, snail bullhead (which
>incidentally make great pets!), redbreast sunfish, bluegill, shoal bass, and
>blackbanded darter. Dog R at Liberty Rd, SE of Villa Rica: bluefin
>stoneroller, bandfin shiner, creek chubsucker, redfin pickerel, warmouth.
>Landowner (Raymond Ivy) was very friendly, interested in effects of beaver
>dams on fish fauna, coop programs in aquaculture, wetland delineation,
>politics, etc., etc., and after much discussion (whew!) gave me directions
>on how to access the upper Dog near the Carroll/Douglas Co. line on paper
>company land. This site had nice habitat, but low diversity (like what you'd
>expect for a headwater stream) dixie chubs, bluehead chub, bluefin
>stonerollers, bandfin shiners, Alabama hogsucker, and an undescribed species
>of sculpin.
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