--- IndyEsox_at_aol.com wrote:
> From the Indiana bird list. Summit Lake is near New
> Castle, Indiana, about
> half way between Indianapolis and the Ohio state
> line.
> >
> >Summit Lake State Park 11-30-02
> >
> [snip list of birds seen]
> > I talked with Dan, one of the managers of Summit
> Lake State Park,
> >eartlier this fall. I expressed my concern to him
> about the decline in
> >the numbers of waterfowl over the past 5 years. He
> knew the reason
> >for it. He said some one had dumped Carp in the
> Nature Area Ponds.
> > The Carp have destroyed a lot of the vegetation
> which Dabbling Ducks
> >favor and depend upon for nutrition during
> migration. The Park plans
> >to apply for funding to eliminate Carp from the
> Nature Area through a
> >complete fish kill. I think he said the ponds
> would then be stocked
> >with a Bass / Bluegill base. He said there is
> nothing they can do about
> >the Carp which is in Summit Lake, but they can be
> eliminated from the
> >Nature Area. It makes one wonder what migration
> would be like if all
> >our Reservoirs were Carp free. Maybe waterfowl
> would stay longer in
> >our State if the food supplies were more abundant.
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