The "New Field Book" series was a revision to the original "Field Book of..."
series that was originally published in the 20s. As a collector of field
guides, I have accumulated 6-8 of the original series (21 books in all-that I
know of...). One of the original series was Fresh-water Fishes of North
America North of Mexico by Schrenkeisen. I have never come across this
volume. Does anyone have it who would care to comment? Most of the original
volumes are interesting for their historical knowledge or lack thereof.
Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS
> Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 10:26 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: NANFA-- water bugs
> I like both books - and would recommend a third:
> Elsie B. Klots' "The New Field Book of Freshwater Life," G.P.
> Putnam's and
> Sons, New York, 398 pp. My edition is dated 1966.
> The Klots book is about the size of a Peterson field guide
> and is jam-packed
> with natural history information: habitat, food habits, reproduction,
> morphology. The writing is clear and precise, and frequently poetic.
> Illustrations are mostly line drawings, but there are some
> black-and-white
> photographs, and a few color plates. There is also a chapter
> on collecting
> tecniques.
> I have seen this book a number of times in used book stores.
> My copy was
> $8.
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