Re: NANFA-- The Accidental Canidate: Central Stoneroller.

Bruce Stallsmith (
Fri, 06 Dec 2002 07:50:29 -0500

Stonerollers of any origin are good community tank fish. Most of the ones
you'll find are about as big as your pointer finger; alpha males can get a
lot bigger, but are few in number. They'll eat about anything you offer them
although anatomically they're equipped as algae scrapers and digesters. If
you dissected one you'd see a very long, coiled intestine adapted to the
hard work of digesting algal cells.

Go for it, you'll be happy you did.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>From: m c <>
>Subject: NANFA-- The Accidental Canidate: Central Stoneroller.
>Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 21:56:51 -0800 (PST)
>One of the committee members had a slip of the fingers
>and accidently nominated the Central Stoneroller as a
>canidate while meaning to comment on Canidate
>Muddminnow. So lets put him before the Committee.
>The Canidate is Central Stoneroller.
>The Standard Questionair:
>1: Is the canidate availible to take the position?
> (anybody willing to mail be a couple)
>2: Does the canidate have a problem working with
>other parties, esp the Southern party, who will be
>represented in the tank by the pre approved honorable
>Red Bellied Dace.
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