Easy is good.
I would suggest the savannah darter
> (Etheostoma fricksium). It's
> more colorful and very abundant. Probably my
> favorite darter]
Color is good
> Sawcheek Darter - (Etheostoma serrifer) [Very
> simmilar to the swamp darter.
> Best way to distinguish between the two is to look
> for two small black spots
> at the caudal base usually separated by a red dot
> (not always). Most of
> these that we find have red eyes]
red eyes is good.
> Blackbanded Darter (Percina nigrofasciata) May
> appear to have drab color for
> darters, but I will note that the Blackside Darter
> (P. maculata) is a
> personal favorite and has similar color and paterns.
> [This darter, while not
> very colorful, has a very attractive pattern. I
> like this one]
Of course I'm a begger and thus not a chooser, so if
you want to put your favorite in the box, that's
ok with me.
The only thing is the tank temp in the summer will be
at least in the high 80s F. And that is what I endure
in the un airconditioned house.
I think I managed to sweet talk the county Liberian
into letting me set up a tank there. She is onboard,
But I'm waiting on word from the board. If the answer
is yes, Then I get to practice my grant writing. The
darters can stay there in the cool until I need them
for class. If the answer is no to a permenent tank,
then I may just set up a temp tank there this summer.
> Chip
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