Here's what I will be presenting tonight, if you're interested to look at it:
Sorry that there isn't any discussion about what you're looking at yet. I
didn't have time to fully web enable this, as tonight, I can just tell people
what they're looking at. I will say you're looking at a whole lot of rare
plants (some not rare at all) tho :)
Actually, look at wether you're interested or not just to see the format ;)
It would be allllll too easy to take this type of format and create a
presentation with full text, the whole nine, to be made at schools and such by
NANFA members (this took me a whole honkin 45 minutes at lunch, basically).
I'm pretty sure any school has a laptop and LCD available in the AV Department
these days. We could make a core presentation and then regionalize it with
local "stars of the show". Dump it on the NANFA server (or send people cd's),
and woo hoo! No one has to think "Oh, but what will I tell the kidos about
native fish?" :)
What do you all think?
-----Original Message-----
From: Travis Haas
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- mwooohahahaha
[polite golf clap - clap, clap, clap, clap...]
Marvelously cunning, Mr. Crail. It wouldn't come as a big surprise to
me if native gardeners would succumb easily to the native fishkeeping
following as well.
Travis Haas
Appleton, WI
"Crail, Todd" wrote:
> So tomorrow night I'm going to the local chapter meeting of Wild One's,
> is a native plant gardener's club I belong to. We're supposed to bring our
> favorite photos from the year to share and present and talk about them,
> As I was building my portfolio, a certain picture of a Rainbow Darter
> to "slip" into the pile...
> I think I'll conclude with "And... Mr. Rainbow Darter thanks you all for
> efforts to promote landscaping that works with local ecology and doesn't
> *his* home to get all clogged up with erroded sediments and slimed over by
> algae from fertilizers."
> I hope you know that this will go down on your permanent record.
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