But it isn't just the list members. Atwin archives
are public and searchable though google. How do you
think that I found out that you knew something about
mangroves? You posted about them on APD. I assume
that the same is true of the aquaria.net archive.
I use this address just for lists, I never registered
it on any database, and I still get spammed by people
in Zaire. There do exist people who spend their days
searching the net for people to spam, con, or ID
Spoof. My name, address, and email are "out" now.
I sent you my address privately, to be used by you.
If I had wanted it on the list, I would have put it
there myself.
but I'm not mad, just perturbed. If I was mad I would
have flamed you when you did it. I only mentioned it
at all so that you wouldn't make the same mistake with
someone else.
but don't worry my
> anger is fleeting and I am still trying to sprout a
> mangrove for you. and my
> offer of what ever fish i can come up for free still
> stands. but dude do your
> kids really hate you that bad?
Most of them haven't even met me yet.
Stuff like that
> doesn't happen around here and
> we are supposed to be a tough town.
Sometimes the kids do stupid things. It is not a
tough town, just a small isolated one with a lot of
young idle hands. I'm gonna see if I can do some
after school slide shows or something so at leat the
interested ones will have something to do.
maybe you are
> just a little paranoid.
No, but when you Mom runs the Karate school and you
work in a police station for 2 years (college PD) you
get sensitized to safety issues. (I used to be the
'dummy' at the women's defence class)
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