NANFA-- Re: nanfa V1 #1483
Arlus F (
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 11:02:42 -0800
Difference between ac and direct. ac will throw you, dc will hold you
until the entire circuit has vaporized...
not sure about the horse though.
>Now I'm having trouble with this one Bill (and I'm pretty sure that's why you put the "?" in there :) Killing a horse, one
>would think, would not serve any purpose as it would probably kill anything else in the water with it, including itself. Now,
>I'm no expert on electric eels and their tolerance of their kick... I'm assuming it's enough to work as a deterent to predation,
>perhaps they use it as a feeding mechanism, but could anything produce and handle that kind of shock? I kicked the main on the
>dorm in college (yes, the primary from outside) and only ended up with two black fingernails and a really really really sore arm
>(long story). That's gonna take some serious amps to knock out a horse heh :)
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