At 10:10 AM 12/16/02 -0500, Todd wrote:
>"Ouch, Says Bait" That's pretty funny.
>This all reminds me of one of my most favorite clips from In-Fisherman
>Television. It's a sceen (staged of course) where Al Linder is out fishing.
>A lady is seen screaming from a dock and he goes to see if there's something
>he can help with. She's screaming and yelling that 'Poor fluffy fell into
>water and one of those big toothy torpedo looking fish ate him! Oh poor
>Camera pans back to Al and you see the "lightbulb" go off.
>He then asks: "What color was fluffy?"
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Brian Haas
>Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 10:07 AM
>Subject: NANFA-- Man Fishes for Musky with Foot
>Here are two web articles covering the musky story - one from the DNR,
>another from Wisconsin Sea Grant.
>Wisconsin Outdoor Report as of June 30, 1998
>Governor Dodge State Park Day and camper use at Governor Dodge State Park
>has been busy. Fishing at the lakes in Governor Dodge State Park has been
>slow. Except for an angler fishing at Twin Valley Lake last Saturday. He
>was dangling is feet over the side of a boat when a 35-inch musky grabbed
>his foot. The angler jerked his foot - fish 'in tow' - into the boat, and
>then transported himself - along with the hungry fish - to a nearby
>hospital because he wanted to learn if the fish ailed from any disease. The
>hungry musky later died. The angler received 60 stitches. No enforcement
>action was taken against the angler for removing the undersized musky.
>According to an article appearing in the Wisconsin State Journal (Madison)
>on July 1, 1998, muskies may be developing a taste for unusual bait.
>Dan Droessler, a Platteville, Wisconsin, police officer was vacationing at
>Governor Dodge State Park near Dodgeville, Wisconsin. He had been dangling
>his foot in the water over the side of a canoe at Twin Valley Lake when a
>36-inch tiger muskie clamped onto his foot. The surprised Droessler, who
>wasnt even fishing (and usually does not fish), pulled his foot out of the
>water, and the muskie dropped into the canoe.
>Droessler required 60 stitches in a local hospital emergency room.
>The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources then confiscated the fish.
>Warden Randy Rossing said, "We had to take it. Its not a legal size for
>one thing, and its not a legal way to catch a fishwith your foot."
>Droessler did eventually get to keep the fish.
>(Wisconsin State Journal, "Tiger muskie opens mouth, inserts foot; OUCH!
>says bait," by Patricia Simms, July 1, 1998.)
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