Why are my fish killing themselves? Why is it always at night? Are they
trying to swim upstream? What motivates them? I have tested the water and
it's fine. I had some copper sulfate snail-o-cide in there a few week ago,
but have changed the water since then with no fatalities. (it didn't even
get all the snails) There is only a small gap where my filters are hooked
up, it can't be random jumping.
The fish that have taken the big leap are my whitetail shiners and
hogsucker. Between the SMB and fish suicides I only have one native left -
my N studfish. The only other fish I have in the 55 gal tank now are a loach
and 2 glass fish.
Can anyone explain this to me, it is rather depressing. I'm not going to get
more fish until I find out what is wrong with the little guys.
Mourning the loss of my fish
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