NANFA-- Darters
Traci Mount (
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 15:22:29 -0500
Now that nearly all of my fish have either been eaten or committed suicide,
I have a basically empty 55 gal tank. I am thinking of restocking it with
darters. What kind would you guys recommend? I prefer feeding freeze dried
foods pellets and flakes, so that drastically narrows my choices. I've read
somewhere that logperch and redfin darters will often take dry foods. I'd
like to create a combination tank of riffle and pool habitat so I can keep
several types of darters. Can anyone think of any other darter varieties
that would be good? I would also like to have a small madtom, perhaps a
speckled one? If anyone has some darters or a nice madtom they are willing
to ship me, I would pay shipping. I also have some extra fish tank supplies
I can trade (filters, powerheads, etc) but no fish :(
Traci Mount
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